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IBS Presidential Election is Open - Vote by 31 October 2024

By Peter Doherty posted 10-05-2024 07:17


Per the Bylaws, Regular and Senior Retiree members of the Society are considered eligible voting members of the in good standing. And therefore, we hope you will participate in the next IBS Presidential Election. 

This election closes on 31 October, 2024.

Regular and Senior Retiree members will be asked to cast their vote for the next IBS President-Elect. Because two candidates are vying for the position of President-Elect, the candidate who receives the majority of votes will be declared the winner. Members may only vote once, and the voting process takes only a few minutes.

The President-Elect is chosen by the membership and automatically ascends to the office of President after one year, serving a two-year term and then one additional year as Outgoing President. The responsibilities of the President-Elect / President / Outgoing President are listed below (from the IBS Policies and Procedures Manual, current edition).


·      During the initial President-Elect year, is responsible to ensure those committee appointments as designated in the bylaws are made in a timely fashion so committee members may assume office at the same time as the President-Elect becomes President.

·      During the initial President-Elect year, the volunteer is responsible for timely appointments to committees supporting the biennial IBC (International Biometric Conference), to be held during the year in which the volunteer is serving as Outgoing President.


·      Serves as presiding officer of IBS and as the official representative of the Society.

·      Chairs the Executive Board.

·      Responsible for initiating the determination of future officers and Executive Board Directors in odd-numbered years.

·      Responsible for initiating the selection of a location for the IBC four years ahead of first year of presidency.

·      Responsible for appointments to committees that are formed during the term of office or when resignations occur.

·      If such occasion arises, may appoint people as needed to serve the society in an ad hoc capacity or to represent the Society in an official capacity.

·      Has the power to resolve any problem arising from a tie in the number of votes for honorary life members.

Outgoing President:

·      Charged with reviewing and updating the Policies and Procedures of IBS.

·      Reviews the contract and statement of work between IBS and the management company that provides services to IBS.

·      Serves as the organizing president of the IBC held during that year.

You will be able to access each candidate's short bio and vision statement as part of the voting process.

The election site is a secure site, and your personal vote is confidential. You will access the site via a personalized link, which will be e-mailed to you and is a random link that not even International Biometric Office personnel have access to. This link should not be shared with others. Specific questions related to the ballot may be directed to Executive Director Peter Doherty.

Thanks in advance for your participation, and best of luck to our candidates! 

