Bioinference 2025

Starts:  May 28, 2025 00:00 (IT)
Ends:  May 30, 2025 23:59 (IT)
Associated with  Public Community

BioInference aims to bring together researchers from across statistics and mathematical modelling who work with biological systems, to foster discussions and prompt collaborations between the two communities across all career stages. 

After the previous three editions hosted in the UK, the BioInference 2025 conference is now going abroad to Italy! This year's conference is going to be a residential 3-days event that will include more talks and networking opportunities compared to previous years. A hike activity will take place on the second day!

The three-day conference will combine contributed talks and poster sessions. We now invite abstracts for oral/poster presentations on work on mathematical modelling and/or statistical methods (either development or application) for (widely defined/interpreted) biological problems. All presentations will be in-person with no-parallel sessions.

Click here to submit your abstract. The deadline for abstract submissions is on the 31st of January 2025. 

It is our pleasure to confirm that this year's invited speakers are:

Davide Risso, Università di Padova

Zhana Kuncheva, Bioxcelerate AI

Antonietta Mira, Universit`a della Svizzera italiana (USI), Lugano

Jennifer Asimit, University of Cambridge MRC Biostatistics Unit

Ben Swallow, University of St Andrew's 

Jonasz Słomka, ETH Zurich

Diego di Bernardo, Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine

The registration fee (covering three lunches, all coffee breaks and one dinner) is expected to be around 185€ . 


Bardonecchia, 10052