David Madigan, Ph.D. | Real Real-World Evidence

Abstract: In practice, learning healthcare systems rely primarily on observational studies generating one effect estimate at a time using customized study designs with unknown operating characteristics and publishing - or not - one estimate at a time. Instead, we propose a standardized process for performing observational research that can be evaluated, calibrated, and applied at scale to generate a more reliable and complete evidence base than previously possible, fostering a truly learning healthcare system. We demonstrate this process in the contexts of hypertension and depression.
Bio: David Madigan is the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs at Northeastern University. Previously he was Executive Vice President of Arts and Sciences and Dean of the Faculty and at Columbia University. Prior to his position at Columbia, he worked for several technology companies and universities, including AT&T Inc., Rutgers University and the University of Washington. Dr. Madigan’s research interests and publications include topics such as Bayesian statistics, text mining, Monte Carlo methods, pharmacovigilance and probabilistic graphical models. He received a bachelor’s degree in Mathematical Sciences and Ph.D. in Statistics from Trinity College Dublin. Dr. Madigan is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association, the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and has served as Editor-in-Chief of Statistical Science.
Join us: Dr. Madigan’s Presidential Keynote, with introductions from IBC Organizing President and Professor Geert Verbeke from the University of Leuven, and José C. Pinheiro, the current President of the Society, is included as part of your IBC Full Registration.