IBS to Match Donation to Travel Awards Fund
The IBS Travel Awards Fund was established to provide assistance to as many members as possible from lower and middle-income countries to attend either the International Biometric Conference or IBS Region / Network conferences. IBS members from these countries will sometimes not have access to travel grants from their own countries or institutions, and often seek external sponsorship.
Over time, the distribution of Travel Awards funds has helped us to increase our membership from lower and middle-income countries (LMICs), thus contributing to the International Biometric Society's standing as a truly global society. Nowhere is this international flavor more visible than during our International Biometric Conferences.
In recent years, the awards have become quite competitive. IBS is only able to fund approximately half of the applicants who apply. Donations are vital for the continued success of this program. There is additional information about our Travel Grant Program and the application process.
IBS has instituted a Matching Funds Program to help address the demand. For every dollar that a Region, Network, institution or individual donates, IBS will match it with an equal amount up to a limit specified during our annual budgeting process. This means that we have the potential to enable many more people from LMICs to attend IBS-sponsored conferences.
Please donate today. Every donation will be acknowledged, and IBS will make your contribution go twice as far.