
International Biometric Society Committees

IBS is composed of standing committees and ad hoc committees. All committee members must be members of the Society. Prior to their appointments by the Executive Board, new committee Chairs and members must indicate in writing their willingness to serve and to adhere to the Society’s Conflict-of-Interest Policy. Further information regarding any committee may be obtained by contacting the International Biometric Office. Committee reports are available to current members upon request. 

Standing Committees

Awards Fund Committee

The primary purpose of the Awards Fund Committee is to promote biometric activity in those areas of the world approved by the council as “lower and middle-income countries.” The committee is encouraged to coordinate with the Education Committee in planning its work.

View Committee Members

Name Region Term Start Term End
Vilda Purutcuoglu, Chair Eastern Mediterranean Region  01/01/2022  12/31/2027
Julia Maria Pavan Soler  Brazilian Region  01/01/2018  12/31/2025
Legesse Dubusho  South African Region  01/01/2024  12/31/2027
Vanessa Cave  Australasian Region  01/01/2022  12/31/2025
Elena Polverejan  ENAR  01/01/2022  12/31/2025
Grigorios Papageorgiou  Netherlands Region  01/01/2022  12/31/2025
Atinuke Abukari  Ghana Region  01/01/2024  12/31/2027
Rolando De La Cruz Chilean Region  01/01/2020  12/31/2027
Girma Aweke Taye Ethiopian Region 01/01/2020  12/31/2027
Anabel Forte Spanish Region 01/01/2022  12/31/2025
Ruth Keogh, ex-officio Board Member
Maria Cendoya, ex-officio Board Member
Heidi Lapka Staff Liaison

Budget and Finance Committee

The Budget and Finance Committee is responsible for recommendations concerning all financial and related matters of the Society. The Finance Committee also has financial oversight responsibilities. The Members shall be from at least four different Regions of the Society where possible. In addition, the Treasurer serves as an ex-officio Member with the rights and responsibilities of a Committee Member. The Executive Director serves in an advisory but non-voting capacity.

View Committee Members

Name Region Term Start Term End
Marc Henrion, Chair South African Region 1/1/2020 12/31/2027
Julio Di Rienzo Argentinean Region 1/1/2022 12/31/2025
Brisa Sanchez ENAR 1/1/2024 12/31/2027
Paula Rancoita Italian 1/1/2024 12/31/2027
Reinhard Vonthein German 1/1/2024 12/31/2027
Jupiter Simbeye Malawi 1/1/2024 12/31/2027
Frank Bretz ROeS 1/1/2020 12/31/2027
Wende Safari Tanzania Region 1/1/2024 12/31/2027
Kevin Murray Australasian Region 1/1/2024 12/31/2027
Angela Zhu ENAR 1/1/2024 12/31/2027
Richard Vonk, ex-officio German Region
Vicente A. Núñez-Antón, ex-officio Outgoing IBS Treasurer 
Sarah J. Ratcliffe, ex-officio IBS Treasurer 
Peter Doherty Staff Liaison

Committee on Communications

The Committee on Communications identifies and prioritizes communication issues and opportunities in close cooperation with the International Business Office (IBO) and the Regions. The IBO is responsible for technical implementation, working with the Committee to make recommendations to the Executive Board. Areas of responsibility include, but are not limited to, web site functionality and content for IBS members and for the general public, social networking opportunities, determining the broad content themes and distribution method for the Biometric Bulletin, and on-line membership directory functionality and content. The IBS Executive Director and Secretary serve in ex-officio capacities.

View Committee Members

Name Region Term Start Term End
Alex Kaizer, Chair ENAR 1/1/2024 12/31/2027
Julia Niewczas Austro-Swiss Region 1/1/2022 12/31/2025
Philippe Lambert Belgian Region 1/1/2022 12/31/2025
Takashi Omori Japanese Region 1/1/2020 12/31/2025
Bhaskarapillai Binukumar Indian Region 1/1/2018 12/31/2025
Jessica Martha Vera Bermudez Ecuadorian Region 1/1/2018 12/31/2025
Brenda Yankam Mbouamba Cameroon Region 1/1/2024 12/31/2027
Krista Fischer Nordic Baltic Region 1/1/2023 12/31/2027
Caroline Mugo Kenyan Region 1/1/2020 12/31/2027
Theresa Keller German Region 1/1/2024 12/31/2027
Clelia DiSerio, ex-officio Italian Region
Ajit Sahai, ex-officio Biometric Bulletin Editor
Amy Herring, ex-officio Board Member
Courtney Fowler Staff Liaison

Conference Advisory Committee

The Conference Advisory Committee shall research locations and encourage Regions of interest to submit proposals to host an international conference. The Committee will recommend dates and locations for future international conferences and wherever possible co-ordinate these with meetings of other statistical societies. A recommendation for the site of the next International Biometric Conference (IBC) should be made at least four years in advance of the conference date. The Committee recommends to the Executive Board policies regarding IBCs which are to be included in the Manual for the Organization of International Biometric Conferences. The Conference Advisory Committee shall have not more than half its members drawn from the Representative Council. The Chair of the Local Organizing Committee of each of the immediate, past, and next International Biometric Conference serve as ex-officio Members of the Committee. The Executive Director and the Treasurer serve as non-voting ex-officio Members.

View Committee Members

Name Region Term Start Term End
Florian Frommlet, Chair Austro-Swiss Region 1/1/2016 12/31/2025
Katrin Roth German Region 1/1/2022 12/31/2025
Xiang Zhan Chinese Region 1/1/2022 12/31/2025
Layla Parast WNAR 1/1/2018 12/31/2025
Fernando Aguate Argentinian Region 1/1/2018 12/31/2025
Innocent Mboya Tanzanian Region 1/1/2022 12/31/2025
Nicholas Illenberger ENAR 1/1/2024 12/31/2027
James Chirombo  Malawi Region 1/1/2024 12/31/2027
Catherine Legrand Belgian Region 1/1/2020 12/31/2027
Paul Albert ENAR 1/1/2020 12/31/2027
Vicente A. Núñez-Antón, ex-officio Outgoing IBS Treasurer
Sarah Ratcliffe, ex-officio IBS Treasurer
Kate Crespi, ex-officio
Peter Doherty Staff Liaison

Editorial Advisory Committee

The primary purpose of the Editorial Advisory Committee is to provide advice on the formulation of general editorial policy for all publications of the Society. The Editorial Advisory Committee shall consist of a Chair and nine members. This membership should be representative of the various scientific interests of the Society’s membership. In addition, the Editorial Advisory Committee includes all the Editors of each journal of the Society as ex-officio members with the full rights and duties of other Committee members.

View Committee Members

Name Region Term Start Term End
Ronald Geskus, Chair The Netherlands Region 1/1/2024 12/31/2027
Renato Assunção Brazilian Region 1/1/2022 12/31/2025
Andrea Lavalle Argentinian Region 1/1/2018 12/31/2025
Tomasz Burzykowski Polish Region 1/1/2018 12/31/2025
Rebecca Hubbard ENAR 1/1/2018 12/31/2025
Edmore Ranganai South African Region 1/1/2024 12/31/2027
Rhian Daniel British and Irish Region 1/1/2024 12/31/2027
Oscar Orlando Melo Martinez Central American/Caribbean Region 1/1/2024 12/31/2027
Katja Ickstadt German Region 1/1/2024 12/31/2027
Ajit Sahai Indian Region 1/1/2024 12/31/2027
Andrea Berghold, ex-officio Executive Board
Chris M. Triggs, ex-officio Executive Board
Jorge Mateau, ex-officio Editor, JABES
Geert Molenberghs, ex-officio Executive Editor, Biometrics
Matthew Schofield, ex-officio Co-Editor, Biometrics
Erica Moodie, ex-officio Co-Editor, Biometrics
Cécile Proust-Lima Co-Editor, Biometrics
Peter Doherty Staff Liaison

Education Committee

The Education Committee implements the educational vision of the Society, as identified by the Executive Board and with feedback from the Representative Council. The principal mission is to ensure proper educational measures are taken to foster the biometric profession in general and the International Biometric Society in particular. The Education Committee Chair assigns specific tasks to the various committee members. The Committee consists of ten members, including the Chair. The Executive Director and the Editorial Representative (staffed by the International Business Office) serve in an ex-officio role. Whereas other Committee Members may have specific duties, ex-officio members serve in a general liaison role.

View Committee Members

Name Region Term Start Term End
Rafael De Andrade Moral, Chair British-Irish Region 1/1/2024 12/31/2027
Carmen Armero Spanish Region 1/1/2022 12/31/2025
Stephanie Roll German Region 1/1/2024 12/31/2027
Tarylee Reddy  South African Region 1/1/2024 12/31/2027
Samuel Muller Australasian Region 1/1/2024 12/31/2027
Gen Li ENAR 1/1/2024 12/31/2027
Luiz Ricardo Nakamura Brazilian Region 1/1/2020 12/31/2027
Dimitris Rizopoulos The Netherlands 1/1/2020 12/31/2027
Joshua M. Tebbs ENAR 1/1/2020 12/31/2027
Freedom Gumedze South African 1/1/2024 12/31/2027
Scarlett Bellamy, ex-officio Executive Board
Taesung Park, ex-officio Executive Board
Heidi Lapka Staff Liaison

Ad Hoc Committees

Nominating Committee

The Representative Council Chair is responsible for forming a Nominating Committee from among the members of the Representative Council immediately after each election of new Representative Council members. The committee is responsible for selecting a slate of nominees for officers and directors for election by all members of the Society. Nominating Committee members serve a term of two years, and may be eligible to sit for a second term. 

View Committee Members

Name Region Term Start Term End
Geert Verbeke, Chair Belgian Region 1/1/2023 12/31/2024
Paulo Rodrigues Brazilian Region 7/1/2024 6/30/2027
Raul Macchiavelli RCAC Region 7/1/2024 6/30/2027
Atinuke Olusola Adebanji Ghana Region  7/1/2024 6/30/2027
Xavier Barber Valles Spanish Region 7/1/2024 6/30/2027
Caroline Wanja Mugo Kenyan Region 7/1/2024 6/30/2027
Peter Doherty Executive Director, ex-officio

International Program Committee

The International Program Committee is charged with the planning and direction of the scientific facets of the International Biometric Conference. The Members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Organizing President for that Conference, in consultation with the International Program Committee Chair, and shall include Member representative of the overall scientific interests and geographical spread of the Society. It shall also include a representative from the Local Organizing Committee.

View Committee Members

Name Region Start Term End Term
Dimitris Rizopoulos, Chair Netherlands  01/01/2023 12/31/2024
Margarita Moreno Betancur Australasian 01/01/2023 12/31/2024
Freedom Gumedze South African 01/01/2023 12/31/2024
Adriana Alicia Pérez Argentinean 01/01/2023 12/31/2024
Luzia Aparecida Trinca Brazilian 01/01/2023 12/31/2024
Satoshi Hattori Japan 01/01/2023 12/31/2024
Samuel Mwalili Kenyan 01/01/2023 12/31/2024
Ruining Xi China 01/01/2023 12/31/2024
Claus Thorn Ekstrøm Nordic-Baltic 01/01/2023 12/31/2024
Ioannis Ntzoufras Eastern Mediterranean 01/01/2023 12/31/2024
Theodore Kypraios British-Irish 01/01/2023 12/31/2024
Nadine Binder German 01/01/2023 12/31/2024
Mouna Akacha Austro-Swiss 01/01/2023 12/31/2024
Elizabeth Ogburn Eastern North American 01/01/2023 12/31/2024
Tanya Garcia Eastern North American 01/01/2023 12/31/2024
Aya Mitani Eastern North American 01/01/2023 12/31/2024
Frank Bretz Austro-Swiss 01/01/2023 12/31/2024
Becca Anderson Staff Liaison
Supporting Committee Members
Annibale Biggeri Italy
Clarice Demetrio Brazil
Christel Faes Belgium
Samuel Manda South Africa
Martina Mittlboeck Austria
Miranda Mortlock Australia
Pere Puig Casado Spain
Lola Ugarte Martinez Spain

Local Organizing Committee

The Local Organizing Committee (LOC) is charged with finalizing plans for the social programme for every International Biometric Conference, including an evening welcome reception, a fun reception for students and early career researchers, exciting tours and excursions, and a Gala Dinner. The LOC's primary goal is to bring a memorable local flavor to each IBC. 

View Committee Members

Name Committee Role Term Start Term End
Silvia Sühring Chair 01/01/2023 12/31/2024
María Gabriela Cendoya Co-Chair 01/01/2023 12/31/2024
Lance Waller Co-Chair 01/01/2024 12/31/2024
Adriana Pérez Committee Member 01/01/2023 12/31/2024
María Gloria Monterubbianesi Committee Member 01/01/2023 12/31/2024
Nora Abbiati Committee Member 01/01/2023 12/31/2024
Pablo Reeb Committee Member 01/01/2023 12/31/2024
Teresa Boca Committee Member 01/01/2023 12/31/2024

IBS/ISI Committee

The IBS / ISI Committee's purpose is to increase cooperation between both societies, and to promote the IBS activities among the ISI and ISI Associations membership.

View Committee Members

Name Term Start Term End
Geert Molenberghs  Chair
Freedom Nkululeko Gumedze IBS Ambassador to ISI 1/1/2020 12/31/2023
Alice Richardson IBS Ambassador to ISI 1/1/2020 12/31/2023
Peter Doherty Staff Liaison

Mentorship Oversight Task Force

The purpose of the Mentorship Oversight Task Force is to establish and manage the Society's online mentorship program, and to encourage the growth of the program. The program is open to all IBS members who may wish to serve as mentors, mentees or both, free of charge

View Committee Members

Name Term Start Term End
Louise Ryan 
Tarylee Reddy
Ryan Dee Staff Liaison