
IBC2018 Registration Is Open

By Martha Jack posted 01-06-2018 00:00


The International Biometric Society’s (IBS) International Biometric Conference (IBC) offers a very robust scientific programme for anyone with an interest in biometry. The scientific programme is made up of the following components: invited sessions, contributed sessions, poster sessions and short courses.

The mission of the IBS is to promote the development and application of statistical and mathematical theory and methods in the biosciences, including agriculture, biomedical science and public health, ecology, environmental sciences, forestry and allied disciplines. Contributions at the conference are therefore welcome across a wide range of both methodological topics and application areas relevant to the mission of the IBS.

The IBS 2018 International Biometric Conference (IBC2018) is sure to again attract upwards of 1,000 international statistics and biostatistics researchers and practitioners from academia, industry and government. You won’t want to miss it! Check the conference website frequently for programmatic updates.

IBC2018 registration is now available online, or through completion of a PDF form. You may view the registration fee schedule here.

We look forward to seeing you in Barcelona, Spain!

@9th IBC Barcelona 2018 logo

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