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During the Atlanta, USA International Biometric Conference in December 2024, our latest group of major award winners was announced. Thanks to those who honored the winners with their presence during the ceremony! The Rob Kempton Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Development of Biometry in the Developing World was awarded to Girma Taye Aweke , of the Ethiopian Region, for his exceptional leadership and groundbreaking contributions to biometrics in Africa, inspiring future generations. Three of our members were recognized as new Honorary Life Members: Louise Ryan (Australasian Region), for fostering lasting connections between the Regions and the ...
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The International Biometric Society and the American Statistical Association have invited nominations for the position of editor of the Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics (JABES) . JABES publishes articles of immediate and practical value to applied researchers and statistical consultants in the agricultural sciences, the biological sciences (including biotechnology), and the environmental sciences (including those dealing with natural resources). JABES is published quarterly by Springer in March, June, September, and December. The ...
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I was pleased to see that our next IBS Distinguished Lecturer, Dr. Sherri Rose from Stanford University, delivered the closing keynote address at the American Statistical Association’s 2025 International Conference on Health Policy Statistics in San Diego, California a few days ago. Congratulations, Sherri! We are very fortunate to have Dr. Rose joining us for our next online talk on 30 / 31 January (depending on your time zone). This session will be free for members. To register, visit this page: See you there!
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All eligible members (as of 15 December) have now been invited to vote in the International Biometric Society Executive Board Election. The voting deadline is Jan 10 2025 11:45pm Eastern Time (US & Canada). We are using an online election system to tabulate our votes. Eligible voting members (Regular, Senior Retiree and Honorary Life) have been assigned a unique access key which can only be used to vote once, and their voting choices will remain anonymous. Members should check their SPAM filters before contacting us to retrieve voting information. Ballot communications and automated voting reminders will be coming from a service called Election ...
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The survey closes 27 December 2024. Link to survey:
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We are pleased to announce that Maria Gabriela Cendoya, Professor of Statistics at the Agricultural College of the National University of Mar del Plata in Argentina, has been selected by the membership to serve the Society as President-Elect from 1 January 2025 through 31 December 2025. Gabriela will automatically ascend to the office of President for two years on 1 January 2026, followed by a term of one year as Outgoing President. Please join us in congratulating the new IBS President-Elect!
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Per the Bylaws, Regular and Senior Retiree members of the Society are considered eligible voting members of the in good standing. And therefore, we hope you will participate in the next IBS Presidential Election. This election closes on 31 October, 2024. Regular and Senior Retiree members will be asked to cast their vote for the next IBS President-Elect. Because two candidates are vying for the position of President-Elect, the candidate who receives the majority of votes will be declared the winner. Members may only vote once, and the voting process takes only a few minutes. The President-Elect is chosen by the membership and automatically ...
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Hello, members. You will recall our recognition of David Cox back in 2022. In his memory, another new and innovative program that has been developed is the David Cox Medal for Statistics , which will be awarded for the first time in 2025. The IBS is a key stakeholder in this program. The award will recognize mid-career individuals, with an age limit of 50 (with exceptions made for mitigating circumstances such as career breaks). Awardees’ research will need to be original, with conceptual depth and novelty, moving the field or a substantive application area forward. The David Cox Medal for Statistics commemorates the pioneering statistical work of Sir David ...
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(The following release was provided by the King Baudouin Foundation.) KBF awarded the second Rousseeuw Prize for Statistics to Yoav Benjamini, Daniel Yekutieli, and Ruth Heller for their work on the False Discovery Rate (FDR). The international and independent jury, appointed by the King Baudouin Foundation, has selected the pioneering work on the False Discovery Rate (FDR) as the recipient of the prestigious biennial Rousseeuw Prize for Statistics 2024. This million-dollar prize honours exceptional statistical research that influences profoundly society. The inaugural prize in 2022 celebrated advancements in causal inference. This year’s award focuses ...
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New travel and visa details have recently been added, with more to come. Speaking of travel, are you ready to book your hotel room in Atlanta? The booking link is available now. In addition, final testing on our registration tool is taking place. Check back for the latest updates or visit .
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We are deeply saddened to learn that Prof. Peter Armitage – former President and Honorary Life Member of the International Biometric Society – died last week, aged 99 years. We remember Peter for the depth and breadth of his statistical insight, the kindness and generosity of his dealings with scientific colleagues, and not least for the selflessness of his major retirement project: the Encyclopedia of Biostatistics , co-edited with Ted Colton. There is more detail about Peter's life and work available on the MRC Biostatistics Unit website: The British and Irish Region of the International ...
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A Day in the Life of an IBS Member: featuring Cherlynn Dumburra 1/6--We’re pleased to feature an IBS member for our popular series, A Day in the Life . Meet Cherlynn Dumbura , associate research scientist from Zimbabwe. Ms. Dumbura has been an IBS member for 7 years. Follow along on our social media channels or read her activities here as she takes us through a typical day. If you know someone or are interested in being featured in this series in the coming year, please contact me, Courtney Fowler, IBS Communications and Marketing Manager. 2/6--“I arrive at work at 7:40 am feeling positive and ready to tackle today’s tasks and learn something ...
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2023 Young Biometrician Award We are happy to announce that the winner of the 2023 Young Biometrician Award is Dr Oliver Crook , a Florence Nightingale Fellow (Senior Research Associate) in the Department of Statistics, University of Oxford, for his paper “Semi-Supervised Nonparametric Bayesian Modelling of Spatial Proteomics” (The Annals of Applied Statistics, 2022). The panel felt that Oliver’s paper was extremely well written, with a clear description of an impressive technical analysis and implementation of complex stochastic modelling. The paper gave a clear, readable outline of the application area and spatial proteomics, and provided ample justification ...
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International Biometric Society Young Ambassadors for the 64 th World Statistics Congress (WSC2023) The ISI-IBS Young Ambassadors Awards for ISI WSC2023 is a joint initiative of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) and the International Biometric Society (IBS). This initiative aims to promote collaboration between the young statisticians of ISI and IBS. Two best papers were selected for presentations at the 64 th World Statistics Congress (WSC2023) . We are grateful for the excellent work of the ISI-IBS Selection Committee, which assessed all applications with expertise and thoroughness. The International Statistical ...
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The Young Biometrician Award of the British and Irish Region of the International Biometric Society and the Fisher Memorial Trust The British and Irish Region of the International Biometric Society, jointly with the Fisher Memorial Trust, award a prize every two years for young biometricians who are members of the BIR. Young biometricians are defined as those within 5 years of completing full-time education. The award recognises the research of one paper published, or accepted for publication, in a refereed journal. This award comprises a diploma and a prize of £1000. This is the sixth time the award will be made. We are now making a call for nominations ...
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Dear Executive Board, Representative Council members, Region leaders and administrators: It is time for the International Biometric Society’s Conference Advisory Committee (CAC) to solicit proposals for Regions to host an International Biometric Conference (IBC). This time, we are soliciting bids for IBC2028 . The Conference Advisory Committee (CAC) is charged with identifying potential locations for future IBCs and encouraging the development of proposals, while taking into account recent conference venues to ensure geographical variation. The selection is to be made no more than four years prior to the event. Thus, we are now soliciting ...
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The International Statistical Institute (ISI) and the International Biometric Society (IBS) are jointly sponsoring an initiative to fund two young statisticians who are members of both Societies to participate in the 64th ISI World Statistics Congress, 2023 ( ) in Ottawa. There is a growing cohort of past award winners, or Young Ambassadors, who are helping to promote collaboration between young statisticians of the ISI and IBS. We invite you to become one of them! For the purpose of this competition, a "young statistician" is defined as someone who has obtained his/her most recent statistics qualification in the last ten years, ...
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On 29 November 2022, just over twenty statisticians gathered at the Royal Statistical Society from all corners of Britain and Ireland for the first in-person meeting of our regional biometricians in nearly three years. The meeting began with the society AGM where, after receiving reports from the officers, the most notable item of business was an update of our bylaws to include student representation on the committee. This proposal was passed at the meeting, but also requires the agreement of the society at large. Members have hopefully already been contacted to cast their vote about the proposed changes. The second component of the meeting was called "This ...
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Read the latest edition of the Biometric Bulletin:
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The British and Irish Region once again joined forces with the Fisher Memorial Trust (FMT) to offer bursaries to support attendance at the International Biometric Conference at Riga (IBC 2022). John Addy, a bursary recipient, has kindly sent to us a report to share his experience: The 75th International Biometric Conference (IBC) was held in the beautiful and historic Latvian capital Riga in 2022. Riga is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has the largest population of all three Baltic capital cities. The IBC 2022 is the second IBC I have attended and the only international event of its kind run exclusively for statisticians, mathematicians, and biological scientists ...