
Prizes for Best Oral and Poster Presentation

By Martha Jack posted 09-01-2018 00:00


The winners were announced at the closing ceremony of the IBC with certificates being awarded along with a book prize. We thank Springer for kindly donating books for prize winners and for the IBC Student Volunteers.

Best Student Oral Presentations at the IBC

Congratulations to Anjali Gupta who won the Best Student Oral Presentation Competition. Anjali delivered her presentation titled: Random Projections for Multivariate Data for Bayesian Analysis with such poise and professionalism in the articulation of her work that the committee was overwhelmingly impressed. The originality and creativity of the work was also outstanding, the methodology developed was related to weighing evidence in court and was seen to be quite original and clever.

The Committee found the decision very difficult because of the quality of the presentations. The committee also chose Anirudh Tomer as the runner-up winner for his talk titled ‘Personalized schedules for surveillance of low risk prostate cancer patients’.

Best Posters at the IBC

The winners are to be commended for being exceptionally articulate, for their research being original, topical and impactful, and for the clarity with which they answered questions posed by the judges. The posters were also distinctly well-designed.

Best Poster by a Professional

Legesse Kassa Debusho

Poster Title: Spatio-temporal quantile interval regression using R-INLA with applications to childhood overweight and obesity in sub-Saharan Africa

Best Poster by a Student

Kuan Liu

Poster Title: Estimation of causal effects with longitudinal data in a Bayesian framework

The committee also gave special mention to the poster by Danilo Alvares, titled ‘Bayesian joint modeling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data’. Congratulations to all!

